Facial paralysis also known as Bell's palsy, it is a condition where one of the sides of the face is paralyzed. Bell's palsy is a self resolving state having partial or total weakness of the facial muscles. Generally one side of the face is affected.
200 years ago, Sir Charles Bell for the first time detailed a condition which causes paralysis of the facial muscles.
Facial Nerve originates in the brain controls the muscles of the forehead, neck and facial expressions. It is also dependable for the apparent sound volume'. In addition, it is stimulating secretions of tears and saliva. Distress of the Facial nerve in any form causes Bell's palsy.
The condition affects men and women alike, has no age bar and has no particular affinity for any one side of the face.
1 in every 65 people will suffer from Bell's palsy one time in their life. It is the most common disorder disturbing just one nerve making. It general cause of acute facial paralysis.
Symptoms range in severity from mild weakness to total paralysis. They include:
In Bell's palsy Facial distortion can be quite significant
The exact cause remains indefinite. Though, some of the following factors could trigger Bell's palsy:
Homeopathic treatment has well-known antiviral activity. It is also targeted towards healing of nerve damage in case of traumatic cases of Bell's palsy.
Homeopathic treatment for Bell's palsy is strongly suggested for rapid recovery.
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