Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a general state which causes pain and weakness in the muscles of the hand.
There is a small tunnel like structure in wrist joint that houses a nerve called the median nerve. This specific nerve is significant for functions and sensations of the muscles of the palm. Any enhancement in the contents of the carpal tunnel or reduces in the size of the tunnel itself can constrict the nerve as it passes throughout the tunnel from the hand into the palm.
The accurate cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome of is unknown though certain medical and occupational conditions can increase risks.
Commonly, the symptoms emerge at night as many people sleep with bent wrists which additionally compress the carpal tunnel. Simple flexing of the hand at the wrist to 900 causes significant reduction in the tunnel size.
Your doctor can diagnose this condition in the clinic (PHALEN'S TEST, TINEL'S TEST).
In few cases of suspicion these investigations may be used
The unbeaten way to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome is to take frequent breaks from recurring movement such as computer keyboard usage as well as treating the precipitating conditions (hypothyroidism, diabetes etc.)
Lifestyle Modifications
It is also suggested to make efforts in adopting a more ergonomic work and life environment.
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