Coeliac Disease

Coeliac Disease

Coeliac Disease disease is a disease of small intestines. This is a disease of immune system that affects the absorption of vital nutrients from the small intestines. The small intestines unusually react to gluten (certain type of proteins) and create the symptoms. Gluten is a protein that can potentially lead to problems such as coeliac disease, autism, dermatitis, IBS, eczema, etc.

Coeliac disease is a disorder of small intestine in which a person has an immune response to eating Gluten. The fragile linings of the small intestines get damaged in response to the effect of gluten, which show the symptoms.


Gluten is a protein found mainly in barley, wheat, rye and oat. Gluten is found in any food ready from such cereals, including cakes, pasta, cereals, many types of breads, biscuits and certain types of sauces. It could be noted that wheat allergy and coeliac disease (due to gluten hypersensitive) are two different conditions.

Most of the beers, which are made from barley, so they contain gluten.


  • Digestive problems (bloating of abdomen, pain, gas, pale stools, diarrhea and weight loss)
  • A severe skin rash called dermatitis herpetiformis
  • Musculoskeletal problems Growth problems and failure to thrive (in children)
  • Seizures
  • Tingling sensation in the legs (caused by nerve damage and low calcium)
  • Aphthous ulcers
  • Missed menstrual periods
  • Iron deficiency anemia


Coeliac disease is a case of an autoimmune condition, when our immune system faults healthy cells and substances for harmful ones and produces antibodies against them (antibodies usually fight off bacteria and viruses).

In case of coeliac disease, our immune system mistakes one of the substances that makes up gluten, called gliadin as a threat to the body.

The antibodies cause the surface of our intestine to become inflamed (swollen and red).

The surface of the intestine is generally covered with millions of tiny tube-shaped growths called villi. Villi increase the surface area of your gut and help it to digest food more effectively.

Though, in coeliac disease, the inflammation and damage to the lining of our gut flattens the villi, which reduces their capacity to help with digestion.

Consequently, our intestine is no longer capable to digest nutrients from our food, leading to the symptoms of coeliac disease.

Homeopathic treatment

The homeopathic approach to treating coeliac disease is similar to treating any allergic or auto-immune disease.

Homeopathy identifies coeliac disease as hypersensitive condition because of immunological reactivity governed by genetic predisposition; and treats it accordingly. The homeopathic medicines are targeted at controlling the body's over-reaction to gluten and also intended at controlling the symptoms.

Dr. Kabra strongly suggests homeopathic treatment for coeliac disease.

The Root Cause of Autoimmune Disease

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